e-Referral System

Attention: after the 1st of July 2021 the use of paper referrals will be discontinued. You must refer patients through the e-Referrals system (https://referrals.oncopmnet.gr) using IDIKA credentials to sign in.

For any issues please contact Athina Karachaliou at 231.1257527 or send an email at helpdesk@oncopmnet.gr.

Referral Number

After the 1st of July 2021 the referral number production system will be discontinued.

Press the button for the production of a new referral number.



Referrals (in Greek)

After the 1st of July 2021 the referral templates will become unavailable.

Consent forms (in Greek)

Instructions for sample preparation and transfer (in Greek)

List of diseases and recipient addresses